My Life

A Fond Memory

Anita Frazier~ Artist

Anita Frazier~ Artist

Tonight as I sat down to write in my study, I felt pulled outside by the joyful sounds of children. Peeking through the wooden blinds of my quiet room, a smile grew upon  my face as I watched a father and his son of five doing circles in the cul-de-sac in the dad’s sports car. The son was propped up on his dad’s lap and had firm control of the stirring wheel… dad had a firmer grip down below. The boy giggled as they took off, but as soon as he found himself driving he took the job seriously. Off to the side of me I saw a figure waving from the grass at a distance far from the driver and car. There she stood, his little sister, with her pig tails bouncing as she jumped up and down each time the car came around her way as she called out to them. It took me back to a similar time in my own life when I sat upon my daddy’s lap and steered the car around the circle in front of our house. I don’t recall how old I was or where I lived…but somewhere in my memory I could actually feel the joy the little boy next door was feeling. It was pure jubilation and fear all rolled in to one. Imagine my surprise when I realized that dad’s still create the same memories that they once did so long ago…even in our world of mega technology. I wonder if he dances with his daughter in the kitchen, letting her ride on his shoes as he twirls her around in their make believe Cinderella Ball? I sure hope so…because a fond memory stays with you a life time and appears when least expected….like today.

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  • Judy H says:

    Beautiful … absolutely “take me back” beautiful. Makes me miss my dad … and reminds me to do things like this with my grandkids, too.

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