Things I See

The Jobs We Never See Done…

By June 30, 2014 No Comments

Courtesy of Google Images

I was sitting at a light when I glanced over and noticed the nuts and bolts holding down a street light. Holy cow, I thought as I continued to stare at the hardware the size of my head. I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of wrench was used to tighten the two together. Then I thought about the person that had to screw down each nut and bolt …what a sucky job I imagined. But then again, it is a job. So, then I got to wondering  what other crazy jobs people might have that I take for grant it each day as I drive down the road. I wondered who changed the light bulbs in the store signs, who cleaned out the street gutters that got clogged, who got rid of the graffiti, and who picked up dead animals on the side of the road? No one sees the workers that do these jobs…they just seem to get done without anyone noticing. It makes me wonder how many jobs are out there that no one really thinks about. You never hear someone say, “I put all the BEWARE signs on electrical power boxes,” but you know someone does it. With so many people out of work these days, you would think that these jobs would be the ones advertised. But honestly, I can’t say that I have ever seen a request for any of these jobs. Have you? And since I am crazy enough to think about these types of jobs, it makes me think about the education you would need to fill a job like tightening a nut and bolt. Could a worker just have a high school degree or would the employee have to be some type of engineer? Would he have to be a gardener to clean out the gutter or a storm water specialist? AND…what kind of money do people make at each of these jobs? Well, I suppose it depends on whether you’re just someone off the street or if you are indeed a specialist in the field for “Beware” signs. Oh, I know what you’re thinking…this lady is crazy! All this talk about silly jobs that really don’t matter….or do they? Imagine no bolts to hold down street lights, clogged gutters filled to the brim, dead animals lying about all day in the summer sun. Oh, these jobs matter. The jobs may not be glorious or worth bragging about, but I can guarantee you… we need these jobs in our civilized world. So you laugh at this silly lady writing about something she saw on the side of the road…but now I have you thinking about it don’t I? What jobs haven’t you noticed before you read this? I dare you to find five…you might be surprised what you find!

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  • Judy H says:

    FIVE? Hmm. I wonder what happened to the guys who used to spray the base for bugs when I was little (I know, not actually a job … but), Who cleans the filters at a water treatment plant? Who paints water towers!? Who makes rubber bands … and how often do they pop themselves with broken ones? Who installs the machines that put air in your tires at the gas station?

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