Things I See


By August 13, 2019 No Comments


As I perused the aisles of the local Marshalls, I came across the health and beauty section of the store. I was surprised by how full the shelves were. As a matter of fact, I was more than surprised. It was as if every major department store had emptied their shelves and carted the contents off to this particular store. There were eyeshadow cases practically falling off the shelves. There were items from Bobbi Brown, Urban Decay, Elf, Nars and several other lines not normally found in what I call a discount store. I decided it was time for me to see what I needed to replace in my own make-up drawer.

Here’s what I realized as I looked upon the massive selection, it had been awhile since makeup really interested me. I still remember the day my mom sat me down and showed me how to apply cosmetics. She said, “Make up is only there to enhance your looks. You should not wear so much that people even notice.” Now, in my fifties, I hear her voice reminding me of this fact as I stare at all the tubes and containers in front of me.

I remember when I was young, I had a reason I wore make-up… I wanted to look older. I have always looked young for my age and when you are in your twenties but look twelve, a girl must wear make-up. So, I wore only a bit of blush, eye shadow and mascara to highlight my features. When I was in my thirties and still getting carded, I found that applying lipstick stopped the annoying request for my ID. It was crazy how a simple change in my make-up could switch the opinion of my age. Perhaps the interrogators thought that only “women” wore lipstick. Then I got a bit older, and busier with my children, and make-up went back to the basics, and only when I ventured outside the house. Most days I didn’t wear make-up at all. When I lived in the tropics, I only wore mascara. I was lucky to have good skin complexion.

Then I began to age…like most women, my skin began to dry and look splotchy. I found myself asking my daughter what make-up I should be wearing. Cosmetics were very different from when I grew up, and my mom’s “less is more” talk, was no longer the norm. The younger crowd seemed to take lessons from long ago movies, where eyebrows were darkened, lipstick was bold, and foundation was a mask to cover every piece of character you had on your face.

Ironically, my beautiful daughter wore make-up to age herself just like her mother. The difference between her and I, was she knew what she was doing. She studied make-up techniques, bought the best make-up brands while I, in my fifties, still looked the same as when I was sixteen. The day my daughter took me to have my make-up done, I was surprised by the transformation. I looked so much younger and yet, so put together. That was several years ago.

Now I stood staring at the cosmetics wondering what my daughter would say. “Mom, don’t be afraid to stand out. Add more to contour your cheeks, outline your lips, lengthen your lashes.” Last time I tried to outline my lips I looked like a clown at a Shriner’s convention. But she was right, I needed to change some of my make-up. I wasn’t going to keep up with the Kardashians, because clearly, I was buying last year’s colors. But at least I would try to liven up my look, if not for those looking at me, for myself this time. For age has set in, and now I need that boost that brightens my look, which in turn boosts my confidence and mood. I may not look like a movie star, but at least my splotchy face will be a matching tone with new eyeshadow to lift my eyes and make me smile. I’m not walking away from Marshalls with a ton of make-up because somewhere in the back of my mind is this little voice still reminding me, that make-up is there to enhance your looks…. But I bought enough that I know on my next outing I will have a little bounce in my step because I’ll feel better about myself. And that’s what it’s all about, feeling good about yourself and being happy with the way you look…not for others, but for youself.


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