My Life

A Special Tree

By January 14, 2019 No Comments

The sun slowly fades in the great room with twenty-foot high ceilings. Lead glass glistens and bends the sunset light in an unusual pattern across a pink Persian carpet made of mosaic design. Centered perfectly in the room of pinks and white, sits a bed welcoming those in from the massive foyer leading into the room. Off in one corner a surfboard leans precariously against the corner wall with its many fading names of guests once visitors to our home. The pink drapes flutter about, as the air from the small vents in the ceiling turn suddenly on. The quietness of the empty room pulls those lucky enough to visit the home into its vastness. It is a lovely room, a lovely room for someone special. 

Standing on the long lady’s dresser, a three-foot Christmas tree rests, adorn with gold tinsel and rose and white colored bulbs. Amongst its branches, small little cards pose for curious eyes to see. Written carefully and with great thought are the words that are given as a wish for the future for that someone special… laughter, love, friendship, kindness, patience, charity and success just to mention a few. They are there to remind the reader of the importance of hope for the future. They are there to create a memory of that which we already have and must hold dear to our hearts. The words are not just words, but are the ideals of man. They are the reminders of what is good in the world. And in this world of constant chaos and turmoil, this tree is there to reassure the reader that words can be turned into positive actions. For it is words like heal, help, dream and ignite others that inspire us to be bigger than we are and better than we ever hoped to be. 

And as the soft glow of the Christmas tree lights shine upon the words placed ever so gently upon their perch, the reader will feel the soft glow fill their heart with hope for the future and the love for which they were intended… by someone who loves them. And just as the tree was meant for someone very special in our home, it is there for you too. For you are wished only the very best this world has to offer. And you should remind yourself that it is within you to be a bigger and better you in the coming year. I believe in you and know that if you let the ideals of hope, love and charity fill your life, that you will find great wealth in all that you do. For the wealth of life comes in many forms, but the greatest being love. 

Happy New Year!

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